Holistic Lifestyles Radio Network
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Rockers In Recovery Fundrasier – The Special Olympics and The Sheriff’s Foundation
Friday, September 21, 2012
Rockers In Recovery - September 2012
Rockers In Recovery is dedicated to music, news, interviews, events, and festivals taking place within the clean and sober community.
Rockers In Recovery offers different platforms to carry the message of hope in an exciting new way. RIR news letter/ magazine, (in print and online), RIR Addiction Talk Radio, RIR TV, and RIR Live Concert and Event Streaming , makes it easy to reach hundreds of thousands of people globally with just a click of a mouse.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Thursday, June 9, 2011
12 Step Music Fest Sponsors
12 Step Music Fest Sponsors
Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the 4th Annual 12 Step Music Fest
All sponsorship packages include:
Nationwide brochure and poster distribution with Your Company Logo and website as follows:
NA World Convention San Diego
- Founders Day 76th Anniversary in Akron and Vermont
- Nationwide AA/NA Recovery Clubhouses
- Nationwide AA & NA Conventions
- Musicians Picnic
- Sober In The Sun
- Half Moon Sober Fest
- Del Fuegos Reunion Concert (3 Nights)
- Rockers in Recovery Memorial Day Concert
- Soberstock 2011
- 2012 Rockers in Recovery Valentines Day Concert
- Ocean City Bubba Mac Blues Fest
Your logo and links on 12StepMusicFest.com and Rockers in Recovery.com along with the following:
- (6) 300 Word Blogs on Rockers In Recovery.Com (15,000 readers per month)
Live radio show broadcasting and advertising from WWNN AM 1470 at the festival and for 6 months as Follows:
- 222 thirty second Ads on WWNN AM 1470 N. Miami – Cape Canaveral (6 Months)
- 222 thirty second Live Streamer Ads on WRIR and WWNN Radio.com (9600Per Month)(6 Months)
- 222 thirty second ads on RIR Blog Talk Radio Downloads (9000 Per Month)(6 Months)
- (6) Guest appearance on Rockers In Recovery and Youth In Recovery Radio (6Months)
- 25 thirty second ads on Live Streaming Video from event @ Rockers In Recovery. Com with your logo and link
Sponsors also receive the following:
- 10’X10’ sponsorship table for you to promote your services and products for all four days
- OR Utilize our Sponsorship Booth where we display your brochures and business cards
- (No booths to staff – You send promo material our Sponsorship liaison will handle it all for you)
- Access to VIP Sponsorship RV throughout event
- 2 Event Passes: Tickets, Backstage Passes, Nightly Dinner Backstage, t-shirts, meet&greet with all bands and artists
- Your company logo placed on Rockers In Recovery and 12 Step Music Fest T-Shirts
- Your company logo placed on 12 Step Music Fest and Rockers In Recovery Banners
Banner Logo Placement at 12 Step Music Fest:
- -Front Gate/Registration
- -Main Stage
- -Coffee House Stage
- -Main Stage Artist Autograph Booth
- -Signing banner (signed by all attendees and displayed every year)
- Your Company Banner 6×3 displayed near Main Stage
- Full page ad in souvenir program
- Your Logo and Link on three – 12StepMusicFest.com Live Video Internet Pages throughout event.
Rockers In Recovery Social Network
Rockers In Recovery Social Network
Come join our Social Media site that is geared towards the support of Rockers who are in Recovery or support Recovery and music lovers who are in Recovery.
Rockers In Recovery Social Network an online place for Rockers In Recovery radio show which is dedicated to music, news, interviews, events, and festivals taking place in the rock and roll industry in the world of fans, bands,listeners or musicians who are in 12 step recovery or support 12 step recovery.
Rockers In Recovery having our own social network website gives us the ability of streaming our Rockers In Recovery radio show 24/7. We also can stream video and and audio of all of our live concert productions and live events right to the Rockers In Recovery social network website. A place where Rockers In Recovery social network members can enjoy all we have to offer. Join today by going to http://www.rockersinrecovery.com
Listen to Rockers In Recovery WRIR - 24 hours Pompano Beach, Florida
Come listen to Rockers In Recovery live through our streamer. Click the following link to be connected now http://radio.securenetsystems.net/v4/index.cfm?station
Live streaming, streaming, podcast, radio, talk radio, radio talk, music, festivals, events, concerts, Rockers In Recovery
Holistic Lifestyles Radio Show Live Every Tuesday & Thursday at 2PM EST
Holistic Lifestyles Radio Show Live Every Tuesday & Thursday at 2PM EST
by Holistic Lifestyles Radio on Jun.09, 2011, under Home

Live Broadcast Crossroads Guitar Fest 2010
Tuesday-2PM EST
Thursday- 2PM EST
John Hollis is the Founder of The Holistic Lifestyles Radio Network. John Hollis is a recovering addict who got Sober and Clean doing the 12 Step program along with holistic approaches to Mind, Body and Spirit. Holistic Lifestyles Radio Network is dedicated to carrying a message of hope for people in life that need to hear hope so they can have hope.
John Hollis interviews many in the fields of music, news, events, festivals, wealth, law, holistic lifestyles, health addiction, rehabs, holistic reading, holistic thinking, holistic recovery, alternative medicine, natural healing, yoga, reiki, Natural child birth, rain forest secrets, Chinese medicine, metabolic balance, complimentary medicine, alternative medicine, yoga, and holistic education. Feel free to contact John Hollis by clicking on contact you can also call 877-799-8773 to talk with John any time.